Unlike the younger generation of Vietnamese who are "eating Facebook, sleeping on Facebook", regularly online on the largest social network from early morning to late night, the young Chinese are totally unfamiliar with Internet services. Popular world like Google, YouTube or Facebook, Twitter ...

The strategy of "fire protection" on cyberspace

Known for its strictness with the world's most popular technology services, China has closed with most major tech companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook. But the appeal from the market of more than 1 billion people is still so large, so much so that  Apple has to accept the host Chinese information storage iCloud in this country. 
Why do not young people in China need Facebook?
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg jumps in Tiananmen Square and bodyguards to lobby for the opening of Facebook back in China.

In March 2016,  Mark Zuckerberg also jogged at Tiananmen Square to lobby for the reopening of Facebook back in China after being banned in 2009. However, just one day after Facebook was allowed opening its subsidiary in China in late July,  the Chinese government has revoked the business license for the social network.

Since 1997, China has started censoring the Internet with the "Great Firewall" firewall system. China's Internet access to the world is inevitably limited, but not without good. China's domestic Internet products and services also have great growth opportunities. Chinese people are also not dependent on Internet services of the world.

Assuming that in the event of a complete loss of connectivity to the global Internet, the Internet within China remains independent, and users can still use hosted services in China. to work and communicate with each other normally.

Risks from the dependence of the global Internet

The disconnected situation with the global Internet occurred in Vietnam in December 2006. At that time, the communication system throughout Asia severely paralyzed after the earthquake in Taiwan broke the underground cable system. under the sea.
Why do not young people in China need Facebook?
Monetary operations in major financial markets such as Tokyo and Seoul have been paralyzed following the breakdown of sea cables by the 2006 Taiwan earthquake.
In Vietnam, most of the businesses are in chaos because they can not contact or email, and international telephone service is stopped due to overload. For more than a week of trouble, many people have for the first time seen the level of Internet dependency in their work and daily lives, feeling isolated within the oasis.

Vietnamese companies operating in the country are in a crisis situation when they can not exchange jobs or send products between provinces through the Internet, such as graphic design files, software applications, digitized documents ...

However, domestic email and chat systems can still function normally, and become a very effective solution to replace Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Yahoo Messenger chat or other saved services. file storage. But due to the limited storage space, the popularity of email and chat applications in the country still can not be replaced completely.

China is the least affected country since Internet stagnation in Asia in 2006, as users in this country use an ecosystem of Internet services that have servers locally. As a result, office activities or communications are almost uninterrupted.

The young Chinese do not need Facebook, Google

The world's largest Internet user base in the domestic market has a population of more than 1 billion people, and the sense of avoiding dependence on Western technology and services has been raised by many Chinese leaders. early. China's technology strategy is consistent with the formula: "What the world has, China has that." 
Why do not young people in China need Facebook?
Market share of Internet services prevalent in China compared to the world's service. Photo: Statista.
The young generation born after 1980 has absolutely no need to use Facebook or YouTube, Google, because they already have similar services from local suppliers. The world has Facebook, they have Weibo, Renren and many other social networks. The world search on Google Search, also they have their own search engine named Baidu. Instead of Google China's Gmail has a separate email service called QQ, including chat features like Yahoo Messenger.

With popular messaging services like Viber, WhatsApp or recently Facebook Messenger, China has a similar service called WeChat. WeChat also expanded into a social network, supporting both remittance and electronic payments, shopping, taxi calling, movie tickets and many other domestic services. .

If you need online shopping, instead of having to visit Amazon, Chinese users will go toTMall.com. Instead of using Visa or Master credit cards, they use the AliPay electronic payment service. China's entire domestic service ecosystem has responded well to the needs of Internet users in the country, and that is why young people in the world's most populous countries are ignoring Facebook, Google. .  

Domestic suppliers are also willing to cooperate with government agencies and the Chinese government to access user data, not as difficult as Apple's refusal to allow the FBI to unlock its iPhone. Terrorism.

Huy Phong



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